Lost Dog

Posted: 12/14/07

Some old hillbilly once said “The only thing that remains constant is change”… aint that a fact.  As you may or may not know Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey has been contracting with the Flying Dog Brewery to ferment our Rocky Mountain grown barley for our custom whiskey wash during the last 4 years.  In the last 4 years the FDB has grown quite a bit and as a result purchased the Wild Goose Brewery in Frederick Maryland.  The board of directors for the FDB have decided to move all of their production to Maryland, to try to consolidate expenses and hold their market share.  As a result of the FDB moving to Maryland we will be contracting with a different Colorado brewery (yet to be announced), to ferment our premium whiskey recipe.  What does this mean to you?  Nothing.  Everything will continue on the same as before, we will be careful to select a Colorado brewery that can deliver the same high quality product that we are accustom to.  The whiskey should not taste any different.  The one thing that will change will be the beer in the keg at my next BBQ.  That being said, lets raise a glass to a Colorado legend, “Heres to Flying Dog, good luck in Maryland”.